On Saturday the 27th of June 2015, Philomena, her mum and I went to the swimming pool because it was a really hot day in winter.
Before long, we made it to the pools and raced to get there as fast as if we were having an Athletics day! It was very surprising when we got there because the entrance fee was free! So Philomena and I went to the girl's changing room and changed within a second.
As soon as we entered the automatic door the inside was packed with people ( that's why it felt even hotter) When we stepped inside the pool it was like we were in a cooking stove that was 250 degrees Celsius. Firstly we pretended to be like mermaids and made pretend evil potions to poison the humans inside the pool so that we could be alone.
Next we played pass the ball it was really funny because we kept on asking the wrong person to move and bumping to different people. After five minutes had passed, we moved on to a new game called 'What's the time Mr. Fox?'
In this game, you ask one of the other player what the time is and if they say 5 o'clock, you have to take five steps towards them. Once someone is close to the wolf, the wolf says "Dinner time!" and try to tag them. Philomena is good at playing the role of the wolf because she is a fast tagger.
Last but not least, we played 'Don't touch the hot boiling ground'. It was easy as learning your abc's for me because I am short so it was hard for Philomeana because she is tall. Then depressingly we had to go because it was time to go back to her house.
It was exciting playing with Philomena in the pools because we played cool games and I hope we get to go again soon.
We are learning to understand and use descriptive language.
I know I can do this when I use adjectives, verbs and similes correctly in my writing.