During the holiday, my friend invited me to go rainbows end with them to have a little get together because we haven’t seen each other for a while.
Once we got there, Jane, Oshea, her friends and away ran out of the car and raced to the counter to pay our entrance fee. I was really shocked because Oshea’s dad had to pay $306 dollars (that’s a lot of money)! I said thank you to Oshea’s dad for paying our entrance fee.
As soon as we stepped inside, we all ran to the coffins. We laid down and closed our eyes (it smelt like someone farted in the coffin, ew)! Then Oshea, Jane and I ran to the Fare fall as fast as a lightning bolt striking Earth because we were so excited about trying it out.
When it was going up, I felt really scared because I haven’t tried it before. Woosh! It went down and I tried to scream but I couldn’t because it was as if my throat was closed off. Finally it was over, I kissed the ground and screamed out, “That was awesome.”
The next ride that we went on was called the Invader. It was really awesome because it spun round and round and went in loops at the same time. When we finally got off the Invader my legs felt like spaghetti. After that, we went to another ride called the Power surge, spun all of us around around wildly.
I was really scared when I hopped on the seats of the Power surge and I thought that I might vomit when I’m upside down. When it was turning us around I was screaming and crying at the same time because it was spinning so fast. Sadly Oshea’s dad called us for to head home because it was getting late.
I felt really happy because I finally got to experience the rides that haven’t been on at Rainbow’s End. Next time,I hope I won’t scream when I’m riding the Power surge.
We are learning to use appropriate language features.
I know I can do this when I use verbs, adverbs, similes and adjectives to describe my writing.