
Wednesday, 12 April 2017


Many children have household pets whether they’re large or small. Whether it’s aquatic or non aquatic. All pets have a unique style and talent especially fish.

There are over 25,000 species of fish in the world and almost 150 species are endangered. These type of pets are cold blooded like reptiles and amphibians as they are l their body temperature. Some fish live in salt water, such as halibut and cod.
Forty percent of fish species have fresh water as a habitat. However, less than .01% in the world is fresh water. Most people of the world own a tropical fish as they are one of the most common species of fish. Unlike freshwater fish, tropical fish need a precise temperature of water. The suitable temperature would be 22℃ or lower, as having the opposite temperature slows their system down and can lead to severe stress.This can make them vulnerable to illness and other health issues.
Like humans all fish have a vertebrae, this helps them move through the water with ease. All fish have a specialised sense organ called the lateral line which works like night goggles that help then navigate in the dark or mucky water. Fish have an out stand mark of sense, touch, smell and ‘hearing’. Fish feel the same pain and suffer stress just like mammals and birds.

All animals are unique in their own ways whether they're big or small. However fish would be the best type of pet as they would never run away from you.

WALHT: understand to write an explanation about a specific animal.

Laudato Si'

WALHT: identify the relation between the Pope's message in Laudato Si' and Micheal Jackson's 'Heal the World'.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Holy Week

Holy Week
What is Holy Week?
  • Holy week is a special week where we reflect on the sacrifices Jesus has strives through for us.
When does it begin?
  • It begins after Palm Sunday when Jesus rides on a donkey through the town of Bethlehem, as it follows on the last week of ‘Lent’
What can I see?
  • Palms held by people’s hand, walking around the church re enact Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem.
What can I hear?
-I can hear the sound of praises and songs singing to Jesus.
What is the sense of this occasion?
-It is the sense of reverence and respect for Jesus.
Standing in the background, who are they?
  • As we call them the high priests and roman soldiers who are envious of the actions and emotions people feel and do for Jesus.
What would happen next with the people in the background?
  • This relates to the crucifixion of Jesus as the high priests and roman soldiers were envious of his acts and denied his teachings.
Garden of Gethsemane

Palm Sunday:
  • Palm branches- widely recognised as a Symbol of peace and victory
  • Riding on a donkey- sign of humility and peace
  • Gathered up for church and incinerated as the ash for ash Wednesday in church.

What occurred before Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane?

Holy week:
Palm Sunday
Last supper/ Holy Thursday/Passover/ Maundy Thursday
Good Friday- Crucifixion of Jesus
Easter Sunday

Walht: identify how Christians celebrate Holy Week.
Holy Week is a sacred and solemn week for Christians. Through their Liturgical celebrations - people walk with Jesus and each of the events that he suffered. This Liturgy draws us together, us followers of Christ. We are drawn as Te Whanau a Te Karaiti into these events (Stations of the Cross) As if each one of us were actually there. BY being part of activities such as ‘Stations of the Cross’ we are sharing part of the life and love that Jesus himself gives us at this time.

Holy Thursday
Jesus and his friends gathered together for what we now know was the ‘Last Supper’. Jesus gives himself to all those who are gathered in the last supper including his friends, he gives himself in the Eucharist, he tells them, “Do this in memory in me”. He gives his love, aroha in service modeled by the washing of the feet. He tells them, “Follow this example of loving service to serve others, manaakitanga

Good Friday
Jesus gives his life in love on the cross, he gives Mary to John as his mother. He forgives all those who have sinned against him for their sins. He ‘Reconciles’ them with God (He’s asking God not only to forgive him but to forgive the others who has sinned against him). He gives the gift of passing through death to life with God.