
Sunday, 29 November 2015

It's a miracle!

Learning intention: We are learning to understand life in the early church. 
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I summarise the story of Jesus walking on the water.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Do you need all these things?

Learning intention: We are learning to understand the importance of the items in an emergency kit.
Success criteria: We know we can do this when we collaborate with each other to record a statement each about batteries, flash light, sleeping bag,  radio, canned food and a first aid kit in our emergency kit.


We are learning to develop creative thinking skills through poetry.
I know I can do this when I describe a tornado as a snake following the correct poem structure.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Wow, can I walk on water as well?

 Learning intention: We are learning to develop creative thinking skills through drama.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I work collaboratively with my group to act out Matthew 14: 22-33.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Do you want to build a snowman?

 Snowman Play:
Title: The living Snowman

Narrator and  Mr Madam
Monica and Bobby made a Snowman and the next day it came to life. However, a bully named Mae came past and kicked down the Snowman. The Snowman rebuilt himself and started throwing snowballs at the bully. The Snowman became Bobby and Monica’s guardian! However, something bad happened.
Bobby and Monica’s house is on a snowy hill.
Narrator: It was a very snowy day and Bobby wanted to build a Snowman with his sister.
Bobby: Monica let’s go outside to make a Snowman!
Monica: Okay, but first I need to find something warm to wear.
Narrator: Bobby goes outside to wait for Monica.
Bobby: Ok, I’ll wait for you.
Narrator: Finally Monica finished changing and they went outside to build the Snowman.
Monica: Okay let’s gather the right materials.
Bobby: Carrots, rocks, sticks, a scarf and a hat.
Monica: Yes! So let’s get started!
Monica: All done!
Bobby: Nice job!
Narrator: Monica and Bobby went back inside and on the next day, something magical happened!
(The snowman jumps up and came to life)
Mae: Ha, what a horrible Snowman! I can make a better one.
Narrator: Mae kicks and destroys the Snowman. However, the Snowman rebuilds himself and throws snowballs at her.
Snowman: How dare you kick me!
(Mae runs away screaming)
(Bobby looks outside)
Bobby: Wow! The Snowman came to life! Monica, come look!
(Monica runs towards bobby and looks out the window)
Monica: Wow, you're right Bobby, it is alive!
Narrator: Monica and Bobby went outside to see the Snowman.
Snowman: Now I am your guardian, I will protect you whenever you are in great trouble.
Narrator: Monica and Bobby goes to school and bumps into Mae.
Mae: Your Snowman threw a snowball at me so I will do the same to you! (Mae throws snowballs to Monica and Bobby)!
Snowman: Hey, don’t throw snowballs at them!
Mae: Oh no!
Snowman: Now apologise!
Mae: I’m sorry and goodbye!
Monica: Wait, how did you get here, you can’t walk!
Snowman: I flew in the air.
Bobby: What? That’s impossible!
Snowman: No it’s not, because I’m magical, right?
Monica and Bobby: Oh, yeah!
Snowman: Now go back to your classes now. It’s getting late!
Monica: Aww, but there is a very hard test coming up.
Bobby: Do you think you can help us?
Snowman: Definitely, what is the subject?
Monica: Maths and science.
Snowman: Ok, then let’s get started!
Narrator: Monica and Bobby went back inside their class and starts their test with the magical Snowman helping them.`
(Snowman tells the answers to them by murmuring).
Mae: Hey, you guys are cheating, I’m telling!
Monica: But no one will believe you, ha!
Mae: Well, I could tell the teacher that you’re copying other people, ha! Mr Madam, Monica and Bobby are cheating by looking at people’s work.
Mr Madam: Monica and Bobby, you have failed the test!
Narrator: Monica and Bobby finished their hockey lessons and accidentally left the Snowman outside in the blazing, hot sun. Mae was quietly spying on the Snowman melting down and somehow she felt sad for the snowman.
Mae: Hey guys, I’m so sorry for everything.
Bobby: Mae it’s not the right time.
Mae: Yeah, I know but...
Monica: Just go away.
Mae: But I know where to take your Snowman.
Bobby and Monica: Where?
Mae: Follow me!
(The children and the snowman ran as fast as they could to cooler place)
Mae: Ok, it’s here!
(Snowman melts)
Children: Nooo!
Mae: Sorry mister Snowman for everything I have done.
Snowman: That’s ok!
Monica, Mae and Bobby: We’ll miss you!
Snowman: I’ll still be in your hearts forever.
(Snowman gives them a souvenir)
Narrator: A few months later, the siblings became very good friends with Mae and the Snowman’s spirit is still in their hearts today.
The End! (Everyone bows down)
This story was based on Jesus who is always in our hearts and whenever we need help, he is always there for us!
Learning intention: We are learning to develop creative thinking skills through script writing. 
Success criteria: We know we can do this when we can write a successful play about snowman.

Oh no, where's my money?

We are learning understand the text I have read through writing a book review.
I know I can do this when I write a short summary of Horrid Henry robs a bank using descriptive language.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Everyone, keep calm and run for your lives!

We are learning to understand and find out about geohazards.
I know I can do this when I chose two geohazards and explain them in my own words.

Oh, I can't go on that roller coaster!

We are learning to understand Inequalities in algebra.
I know I can do this when I write down two examples to explain what Inequality is.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

I wonder what kind of difficulties they had to face in the early church community?

Learning intention: We are learning to understand what life was like in the early church.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I describe how the disciples dealt with their problems in the early church community.

Sing this song for Paris!

We are learning to bring peace to the world through music appreciation.
I know I can do this when I use movenote to record the peace song.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Yay, good job everyone for receiving your certificates!

Learning intention: We are learning to write a description about what happened in Monday's assembly. 
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I write a brainstorm and a script to describe Monday's assembly. 

On Monday the 16th of November, the whole school gathered together in Room 4 to have an assembly.  We started off by singing the National anthem, followed by  some prayers, then the teacher gave out the certificates of people that are being good role models and doing great things in class. There was also birthday cards given to students that have had a recent birthday. The whole school sang the happy birthday song for them as well.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Please Eldrich, no more races!

We are learning to understand and use descriptive language.
I know I can do this when I use adjectives, verbs, similes and metaphors to describe the time when I played with my brother.

During the weekend, I played with my brother so that I could bond with him.

The first thing that we both did was that we went outside because the weather was just right (it was 9 in the morning). When we stepped outside, I could feel the warmness of the sun and it was really hot. The ground was hot as well, it was as if we could cook an egg on the ground! I put on my skates and my brother rode on his plastic bike.

We had a race because my brother Eldrich loves to race. Once I said, "go!" we both zoomed to the finish line and I won. However, I said to my brother that he won because otherwise he will want to race over and over again. It was okay because I would let him win (and I did). After the races, I was finally able to practise skating with my roller skates.

Suddenly my mum called us in because it was getting really hot and she prepared us cool drinks. When my brother and I finished our cool drinks, we went straight to my room because we were going to make a rice puppet. First we got the tool that we needed: an old sack, needle, rice. Then I sewed the end of the sock and filled it with rice. After that, I sewed the top of the sock together and I was done.

Soon after, Eldrich and I went back outside because we were feeling bored. This time i used my scooter and my brother sill rode on his plastic bike. However, we only stayed outside for a little bit and then we quickly went back inside because it was getting really hot.

That was fine because we got to take a cool bath in the bathtub (yes)! It was really fun in the tub because we played really fun activities like water fight with tiny water guns and playing with my brothers toy boats. Unfortunately, time flew by and soon it was time for us to rinse off because my brother had to take a nap and I had to do my homework.

I had a really fun time playing with my brother because we did a lot of amazing activities together and next time I hope we could play in the tube for a longer period of time.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Let's all continue on Christ's saving work!

We are learning to understand how to continue Christ's saving work through the sacraments.
I know I can do this when I read three scripture stories and explain how Jesus healed and saved people.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Help yourself, so that God can help you!

We are learning to understand and reflect on the message from today's mass.
I know I can do this when I explain why you have to trust God's power when you help yourself.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Are you in one of the Manaiakalani schools?

We are learning to write a description.
I know I can do this when I write a brainstorm and a script to describe the 2015 Manaiakalani film festival.
On the 11th of November 2015, I went to Hoyts Sylvia Park in Mrs Dines’ car to represent my class Room 7 from St Patrick’s school in the Manaiakalani film festival. We watched different short movies that other schools have made like Tamaki primary, Glen Innes school, St Patrick's, Glenbrae, Panmure bridge, Stonefields.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Can you visualise pictures in your head?

We are learning to understand the skill of visualising.
I know I can do this when I explain how we can visualise when we are reading a book.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Do you know what it is called when a group of people gathers together to worship God?

We are learning to understand the importance of the liturgy in continuing Christ's saving work.
I know I can do this when I describe the liturgy in my own words.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Oh, I thought there was treasure at the end of a rainbow!

We are learning to develop critical thinking skills through the Inquiry process.
I know I can do this when I research my questions online to further develop my understanding of rainbows.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Caution: don't eat too much salt or else!

We are learning to understand salt.
I know I can do this when I cross reference online with at least websites to check if my statements are correct.

Ow, don't hit me!

We are learning to understand and reflect on the message from today's mass.
I know I can do this when I write down how we can look after God's creations.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Trick or treat, smell my feet, don't forget to give me something nice to eat!

During the weekends I went to my friend Jane’s house to go trick or treating with them.

When I arrived, Jane and I quickly did our secret handshake because we haven’t seen each other for a long period of time. Then we went inside to get ready to go/ trick or treat. First, we painted scary things our faces into scary things. I had painted a stretched mouth on half of my face and left the other side perfectly normal. Jane painted a dinosaur on her face ( but it kind of looked like Shrek).

10 minutes later, Jane's friend Paige came to Jane’s house to join us for trick or treat. She was dressed up as a fluffy unicorn who was craving to eat candy. We also drew on our arms with the face crayons.

Finally it was time to go trick or treat. We ran outside the door and zoomed to the first house that had a purple ribbon on a mailbox. The first house was really cool because it had a skeleton hanging from a tree and pumpkins on the floor.

After 10 houses, we came upon a very attractive house that had a ghost floating with sound effects. Also a lady sprayed water at us but that was okay, because we got a lot of candy from that house. The house after that was really extraordinary because when we got to the door, we could hear a white lady screaming while walking down the stairs. She had blood everywhere on her face and again we were given a heap of candies! After that, we had to go back to Jane’s house because it was getting pretty dark.

When we arrived back at Jane's house Paige, Jane and I ate dinner because we were really starving from visiting exciting houses, some trick or treaters knocked on the door. So we ran fast to the door to give the children a handful of lollies that we had prepared earlier. When we were finished eating, we played the game of life board game because we felt bored after the last trick or treaters had left. However, as soon as we started the game, Paige's mum picked her up because they needed to go somewhere (noooooooo) I had a sleepover at Jane's house so I didn't need to go home (phew)!

It was really fun trick or treating with Jane and Paige I hope Jane and I will be able to go trick or treat with me in my neighbourhood next Halloween.

We are learning to understand and use descriptive language in my writing.
I know I can do this when I use appropriate verbs, adverbs, adjectives and similes to describe the time when I went trick or treat.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Coe-et, coo-et!

We are learning to make an Inquiry about wekas.
I know I can do this when I ask questions to deepen my understanding and research them online to find my answers.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Jesus is here, Jesus is there, Jesus is everywhere!

We are learning to understand Christ's saving work.
I know I can do this when I explain 6 different forms of Christ's saving work on earth.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Splish, splash, splish, splash!

On a hot sunny day, my family and I went to the pools to have some family time together.

Once we arrived there my brother and I raced to the automatic door and we were like cheetahs chasing their meal. Once my dad paid for our fee I quickly changed as quick as a click of a button and jumped into the pool.

Then all of a sudden I heard someone call out my name, I looked up and saw that it was Yssabelle, We were so surprised to see each other. However, soon they had to go because her friend was getting cold.

After that, I went back to play with my two brothers so that I won’t get bored swimming alone. When I saw my brother Ezekiel playing in the water and trying to swim with my uncle holding him, I was really surprised because it was his first time swimming. I jumped into the pool and swam really fast to my brothers.

While I was playing with my brother Eldrich. Ezekiel Splashed water on my face and it was really funny because some of the water splashed on his face as well and he made a cute smile with his eyes. After that, Eldrich suggested that we play tag so I said, “Yes!”

Once the game started, I quickly ran to the furthest corner and hid under the water from my dad and my brother. I heard footsteps coming toward me and it was my dad, he quickly tagged me. So I quickly jiggled up and got ready to tag my dad back by practising my freestyle arms. When it was time to tag them I quietly snuck up to them and tagged my dad without him noticing me. Then I went in front of him and I said, “Haha you lose. ”After that, we had to go because we had to pick my mum up from work.

I had an extraordinary time with my family because I don’t get to play with them that often Next time, I hope my mum comes and swims with us as well.

We are learning to use understand descriptive language.
I know I can do this when I use appropriate verbs, adverbs and similes to describe my holiday.

Who ate my burger?

We are learning to understand the text that I have read.
I know I can to this when I use information from the article to find the appropriate answers to the comprehension questions.