
Thursday 23 July 2015

Reminder: Do not fart underwater (it's be embarrassing)!

During the holidays my whole family, aunts, uncles, friends and I went to the Polynesian spa in Rotorua because we were so cold from going to the snow mountain that we wanted to be nice and warm in a spa.
     As soon as we got there, I quickly changed into my togs as fast as the fastest rapper in the world. When I was done, I quickly hopped in the kiddy spa pool, I felt like I was in Antarctica before I went into the swimming pool. My dad and my brother watched me go down the slippery slide. 
     Later on, my friend Pia finally came after she had finished changing into her togs. She quickly ran into the pool feeling the same as I did. We played a game of volleyball and it was funny because I dived into the pool to retrieve the ball and when I was underwater I farted and air bubbles came plopping out. Pia won because she has had more experience playing volleyball than me.
      Next we went to the spa where all the adults were and we felt like we were in a volcano because the spa was 47 degrees. So I quickly jumped out of the spa and I was like and eagle flying in the air. Then Pia and I went back to the kiddy pool and played holding our breathe underwater competition. It was pretty easy for me because I have been learning how to swim for two years and they have already taught us how to breathe underwater. You just need to take little breaths. I won the challenge and it was fair because she won the previous game.
     Lastly, Pia and I went to the 36 degrees spa. It was nice for us because there were two of us in the spa. We were so lucky because the moon was shinning bright upon us as if I was made if glitter. The final thing that we did was we all took a group photo so that we could remember this day.
     It was very relaxing going to the Polynesian spa and next time I hope I can win the volleyball game against Pia.
We are learning to understand and use descriptive language.
I know I can do this when I use appropriate similes, adjectives and verbs.

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