
Thursday 5 November 2015

Trick or treat, smell my feet, don't forget to give me something nice to eat!

During the weekends I went to my friend Jane’s house to go trick or treating with them.

When I arrived, Jane and I quickly did our secret handshake because we haven’t seen each other for a long period of time. Then we went inside to get ready to go/ trick or treat. First, we painted scary things our faces into scary things. I had painted a stretched mouth on half of my face and left the other side perfectly normal. Jane painted a dinosaur on her face ( but it kind of looked like Shrek).

10 minutes later, Jane's friend Paige came to Jane’s house to join us for trick or treat. She was dressed up as a fluffy unicorn who was craving to eat candy. We also drew on our arms with the face crayons.

Finally it was time to go trick or treat. We ran outside the door and zoomed to the first house that had a purple ribbon on a mailbox. The first house was really cool because it had a skeleton hanging from a tree and pumpkins on the floor.

After 10 houses, we came upon a very attractive house that had a ghost floating with sound effects. Also a lady sprayed water at us but that was okay, because we got a lot of candy from that house. The house after that was really extraordinary because when we got to the door, we could hear a white lady screaming while walking down the stairs. She had blood everywhere on her face and again we were given a heap of candies! After that, we had to go back to Jane’s house because it was getting pretty dark.

When we arrived back at Jane's house Paige, Jane and I ate dinner because we were really starving from visiting exciting houses, some trick or treaters knocked on the door. So we ran fast to the door to give the children a handful of lollies that we had prepared earlier. When we were finished eating, we played the game of life board game because we felt bored after the last trick or treaters had left. However, as soon as we started the game, Paige's mum picked her up because they needed to go somewhere (noooooooo) I had a sleepover at Jane's house so I didn't need to go home (phew)!

It was really fun trick or treating with Jane and Paige I hope Jane and I will be able to go trick or treat with me in my neighbourhood next Halloween.

We are learning to understand and use descriptive language in my writing.
I know I can do this when I use appropriate verbs, adverbs, adjectives and similes to describe the time when I went trick or treat.

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